Monday, September 21, 2009

Mondays should be Fundays

Have you ever been so tired at work and feel like you could just fall asleep anywhere?? Today is one of those days for me. I'm not exactly sure why - I guess I just got all Emmy'd out last night!! Speaking of the Emmy's - Conan didn't win... But the Daily Show did - and I GUESS they're funny over there (but not funnier than us).
This weekend was pretty calm and uneventful! But those weekends are sometimes the best, ya know! I did get some headshots made on Saturday morning. My good friend Vuong did them for me and I think he did a great job (even though I haven't seen the finished product yet). Whenever he gets them to me, maybe I'll put a couple up on here. I don't know exactly WHAT I'm going to do with them... But I think pretty much everyone that lives in LA carries a headshot in their back pockets - so I guess I'll join the crowd!
Not a whole lot going at work today. But we do have a guy on the show today who deep fries EVERYTHING!!! - Chicken, Oreos, Twinkies, Pepsi, Watches... Wait, Watches??? It's true! This guy will deep fry anything you put in front of him. I'd like to see him deep fry a deep fryer. Mmmmm try to wrap your cerebro around that pensó, amigo!!

So lately, I've been obsessed with THIS web video:

The video itself doesn't make me laugh as much as just the fact that somebody brought their dog to work one day AT A NEWSTATION!! Who does that??
Anyway, that's your video of the day. And that's all for now - see ya tomorrow!

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