Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Are You Out Of Your Trees, Sir?!"

For those of you who didn't quite recognize the quote from above, that was from the 1994 movie Clifford starring Martin Short

As a kid, this was one of my FAVORITE movies!! Which is kind of strange considering how dark the film is. In fact, I recently went back and watched it and realized just HOW MUCH of a black comedy it really is. And no - not the Tyler Perry kind of black comedy - just the dark humor kind.
Here's another poster I found from the movie:

Ha!! Man, I hope they didn't actually use this poster to promote the movie... Both of their heads look so deformed!! It looks like they're on backwards!

So, you're probably saying to yourself, "What's the big deal about Clifford? Why are you bringing that up today??"
WELLLLLLL - Maybe because MARTIN SHORT IS ON OUR SHOW TODAY!! This is very exciting! He's definitely one of my favorite comedic actors of all time. Check THIS out.

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