Monday, October 5, 2009

A Weekend At the Movies

So I've already fallen into the bad habit of not updating this... I let a full week go by! Last week was really busy though... I barely had time to sleep - or think! Well, I guess I did both of those things...

You know, one of the biggest perks of my job is that I get to see a lot of movies! So I thought - why not do a review every now & then of the movies I see. So... Here we go:

A movie that I saw last weekend was...
Despite not being a HUUUUUGE Ellen Page fan, I actually really enjoyed this film. I don't know if I've ever watched a movie about Rollerball and this one was a good one to start with. The movie flowed pretty well and had a great soundtrack! It definitely wasn't a boring movie!

This week, I went to a screening of "Couples Retreat"

I was really excited about seeing this movie - I feel like it has been advertised for for a LONG time... I thought it looked really funny and I knew that it was written by Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau - who also did Swingers (which I love). Well, unfortunately I was extremely let down by this film. If I hadn't known it was written by Vaughn and Favreau, I would have assumed it was written by two 13 year old girls. In addition to being totally unrealistic and unbelievable, I felt like it was only directed towards ONE demographic - 30 year old unhappy married couples. I probably laughed out loud maybe 1 time throughout the whole movie... and I think that was when Ken Jeong was on the screen.

Saturday, I went and saw the new Coen brothers film

I..... Hmmmmmm. I am still not sure if I know what to think about this film. I don't really know if it's a movie that you can say that you liked... It was wonderfully made and that acting was excellent, but the story was such that it kind of makes you sad in a way. I mean the movie itself is about a man's life that is falling apart before his eyes. How happy can you make that out to be?? I might have to see this film again to really understand/appreciate it.

Over the weekend, I watched the new film "Zombieland"

This movie was great! It was fun, the acting was good, it had great story line, and it was a completely satisfying 88 minutes. Usually I'm not big on zombie movies, but I really did enjoy this one. And... It had an awesome cameo!

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