Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm Famous!!!

Well not really...

But I am on IMDB! Exciting right?? I mean I can't help but feel just a LITTLE bit cooler for it... I mean, I'm no Robert Patterson or Pattenson or however you say it.... and I guess there are EIGHT other Ryan Clarks on IMDB..... but oh well! I do have this to show for myself... and this too... Ohhhh the good ol' days.. And then there was of course my work in that one movie...

Ok... Ok.. In all seriousness though, my co-worker Adam and I were featured in a Tonight Show web video recently - Which was pretty cool.

Today was a craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy day at work. Very very busy! We had an animals segment on the show today - which always makes for a crazy day. There was a black bear in the studio today! A black bear!! It looked a little bit like this:
Only more realistic... Ha - that kind of reminds me of THIS news story.

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